The American Rodeo
"...the largest high-stakes western sports celebration.”
Business Insider

Collaborators Curtis Adams and Sooner Routhier were tasked with assisting creative director Emily Castel of Teton Ridge with creating moments never seen before at a western sporting event. As creative directors, they collaborated with a large team of individuals to create moments of celebration and intrigue for the openings and closings of each event for the Crown Jewel of Rodeo.

How we got there
Curtis and Sooner worked for three months developing creative openings for the multi day event. One such opening involved celebrated, international horsemaster Dan James. Together, the team dreamed up a sequence of choreographed horsemanship to Bon Jovi’s Wanted Dead of Alive. The entire piece culminated in Dan and his horse Swampy jumping onto a piano shaped platform.

“The Crown Jewel of Rodeo."

"The American Rodeo is an unrivaled celebration of the pioneering spirit of the American West. The national sporting event offers fans a unique choice - to cheer on Western sports’ finest, champion athletes, or root for the underdog “Contenders” chasing a $1 million bonus – through every rodeo, roping and riding effort."
Business Insider